3 Rules for Slacking on the Job to Maintain Work- Life Balance

As millennials fill the corporate world and technology moves faster by the second many businesses have turned to Slack to create instantaneous communication within their companies. While Slack may be effective and efficient, some companies worry it may shift their work-life balance.

With the launch of Slack nearly eight months ago, this app has revolutionized the way coworkers interact by providing employees from small-scale companies to large corporations with a cloud-based set of team collaboration tools. Slack congregates everything from group chats based on themes or areas of concern, to direct messaging and video conferences in one accessible location.

There’s no surprise that a generation raised with the comfort of computer screens is drawn to a communication method as efficient and objective as Slack. BVGrowth, a New York branding agency, has recently adopted Slack to accommodate their international expansion. Employees have found that while in some situations it is a vital source of communication, there are times where it feels more like a rude intrusion.

“When the president of the company is merchandising in China, I’m dealing with inventory in San Diego, and a clothing line is launching in New York, I need to be able to be online with everyone, everywhere constantly” explains Frances Wiese, Creative Director of BVGrowth. She tells us that Slack has been the thread stringing together her ever-growing company and allows her the peace of mind email was never able to give her while traveling for work. “It’s immediate and I can manage all of my contacts at once. I don’t ever feel like someone who needs me can’t reach me.”

And it’s true. According to an article from WIRED Slack users are spending close to 10 hours a day using the app. While people like Wiese see this as a positive, many Slack users feel this app has created an inescapable workplace, bringing you…

Rule #1: Be aware of appropriate Slack hours

A safe bet for defining “Slack hours” is to use the guidelines of your company’s workday. For many corporations, however, working beyond the office is standard and in that case, create your own clear hours for Slack use. You never want your coworkers to feel blindsided while they’re at home watching Netflix with their husband… or dog. Make sure to allow for a nice work-life balance.

Another concern shared by employees at BV Growth was the lack of face-to-face interactions this app created within the company. Many felt that although they were in constant communication there seemed to be an immediate disconnect and drop in company culture, making rule number two crucial. Emotional intelligence expert, Amanda Gore, stresses the importance of maintaining relationships in order to lead effectively.

Rule #2: Don’t Slack what you can say

Although Slack can be a wonderful way to stay comfortably seated at your desk, you never want to Slack someone sitting two cubicles away from you. Personal collaborations do wonders for building team morale and making the office an enjoyable workplace. Don’t underestimate how far an in-person conversation can go and don’t sacrifice that for ease.

That brings us to rule number three.

Rule #3: Slack Professionally

When it comes to the internet millennials are well aware of the barrier between computer and human that can create a false sense of detachment. They come from a generation where intimate human experiences were replaced with laptops and T9 texting. For many young professionals joining the corporate world it’s easier to Slack the things that are hard to say, such as I deserve a raise or Here’s my two weeks! This may seem like an obvious faux-pa to employers, but it never hurts to discuss appropriate Slack conversations when initially getting to know the app. There needs to be a precedent of verbal communication when it comes to the important information.

On the other hand, the older generations who are still adapting to their online personas may have trouble with the idea that once something is on the internet it remains there forever. In this sense, everyone in an office needs to be fully aware of their decorum while Slacking. If things get heated, step away and leave the Slacking for another time.

There’s no doubt that Slack is a radical app that will change the work pace and office environment, but as we all know, with great power comes great responsibility. To effectively use Slack in the corporate world our workplace culture must shift to accommodate the new advantages and disadvantages a tool like this presents. While this app gives us the possibility to constantly reach each other and grind out all the tedious tasks at any hour of the night, employees will feel that strain. In order to keep a cohesive and happy team of millennials, there must be balance in the workplace and true human connection between coworkers.

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