5 Tools To Help You Balance Your Health & Wellness

When the holidays hit, working professionals like us find our schedules blocked off with extended workdays and holiday parties. The result is our health and wellness are the first areas of our lives we neglect. 

This year, lean on these tried-and-true tools to help you stay on track and keep your health in mind even during your crazy months. From mobile apps to podcasts to courses, these tools will help you refocus and create healthy goals with your best self-interest at heart. 

Habit Journal

Keynote speaker, habits expert and New York Times bestselling author of Atomic Habits James Clear has designed journals specifically for shifting habits and building new, more productive ones. His bestselling book offers methods to make small, lasting tweaks to our routines that lead to big, impactful changes. Clear created the Habit Journals to help his readers apply their new knowledge and track the small changes they are making in their own lives. 

When faced with an overload of work and other distractions, these journals can help you stay focused on your goals. By tracking your progress you will have proof of how far you’ve come and that kind of reassurance can help get you back on track if you falter. 

Promise Cards

Alex Sheen is a man committed to commitment. This is important as our society seems to be getting flakier and flakier, canceling long-established plans with the ease of a text. Sheen saw the importance of instilling honesty and reliance into society, so he created a nonprofit called Because I Said I Would that teaches people about the importance of keeping your word. 

With it came Promise Cards. They’re simple—blank cards with the phrase “because I said I would” printed at the bottom. Sheen ships these promise cards to anyone who requests them on his website, no matter where in the world they are. On them, you write your promise and commit to it by giving the card to the person you’re committing to or placing it somewhere you can see it every day. 

By holding true to your word, your confidence and general wellbeing will skyrocket. Not only does it help build relationships with those around you, but it also reinstills self-respect and helps you be proud of yourself every day. 


DareMe is a mobile app created by rejection expert Jia Jiang. You may remember his 2017 Ted Talk in which he recaped his 100 Days of Rejection Challenge where he sought out ways to be rejected by strangers to build up resilience and confidence. He’s now turned his transformative exercise into an app anyone can use to build up self-confidence and overcome their fear of rejection.

Take time this holiday season to build your self-awareness and get out of your comfort zone, just in time for you to be a social butterfly at the holiday party. 

Unmistakable Creative Podcast

Srinivas Rao is a keynote speaker, expert on branding and creativity, and host of the Unmistakable Creative Podcast. His podcast centers around interviews with individuals who have built something impactful based on unique creative ideas. He focuses on how you can tap into your most creative self and the opportunities that open up when you do so. 

This podcast is an easy, inspiring listen for your morning commute or holiday travels. 

Institute for Health and Human Performance 

Keynote speaker and emotional intelligence expert JP Pawliw-Fry uses brain science to help you understand and harness the power of emotional intelligence. Through his institute, he offers courses that guide you to your most reflective and empathetic self. 

Come late December, when if feels like your mother-in-law has all but moved into your guest room, this will be a skill you’re happy to have. We recommended starting courses ASAP. 

Beat the holiday and winter blues with these health and wellness tools to support and guide you. 

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