Learning from the “No”

Although most salespeople go into the sales process hoping for a “yes”, very few hope to hear a “no”. As humans, it is in our nature to yearn to be accepted by the herd. People are social creatures who fear rejection. For that reason, hearing the word “no” is not an easy task for some. Nonetheless, all sales people throughout their career will hear that dreaded word at one point or another. So how does a salesperson make use of the no, and actually come to like it?

In an earlier article, I stressed that salespeople should not be scared of hearing the word “no,” as it shows them which clients are actually interested in their product or service, which can be used to increase their sales velocities.

Good salespeople know that getting a rejection is crucial since it has the ability to show them what they are doing wrong and what is working for them. Often times, after hearing a rejection, salespeople can delve deeper into the reasons the client has decided against their product by asking clarifying questions such as, “What can we do to help you find the best possible solution?” and “Is there anything that you do like about…?” These questions shed light on what could have possible went wrong during the sales process by allowing the client to provide constructive feedback.

A good way to avoid the no problem almost entirely is by allowing the clients to take somewhat of a lead during the sales process, although this is easier said than done. By doing your research, you can minimize your chances of getting rejected, and show your clients that you are a prepared salesperson. In conclusion, getting rejected after a sales pitch can be devastating, but it is also an opportunity to learn.  

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