No, Robots Will Not Replace Us

As we become more and more comfortable with (or at least more used to) the presence of AI in our daily lives, the perennial fear that has been plaguing us since well before 2000 rears its head: is artificial intelligence going to replace us?

Well, no. Any anyone who says otherwise is probably not paying very close attention to actual tech trends; roboticists and programmers will be the first to tell you that AIs are still in their infancy, and prone to making extremely wonky judgement calls that ensure that vast majority of tasks still need to be left to humans.

Bestselling author and speaker Geoff Colvin has long known this, and has been writing on it at least since 2015. He argues that top performers at every business are marked as much by their people skills as their technical know-how, and a non-human intelligence simply can’t compete with that. Similarly, the things that allow people to work together as a unit, such as trust, respect, and sensitivity, are not qualities that can be replicated (at least within our lifetimes).



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