Marketing on a Budget

Marketing can be tricky especially for companies and startups that lack the marketing budget of their larger competitors. So how can these companies distinguish themselves from the crowd, and use effective marketing to gain new customers while sticking to a budget.

  • Social Media

Combined, there are over 2 billion active monthly users on social media. This astounding figure is a testament to the power of social media marketing. First, the radio was the best way to reach the masses, even television, but today nearly two-thirds of adults use social media websites according to PewResearch Center. To be the most communicative with their customers, companies need to utilize social media and create campaigns geared around the new way people consume information: digitally. Mike Walsh, a futurist, says, “What that really means is that whether you are the CEO of a company or the leaders of a country—you should not think about social media as a fad, but truly a human revolution.”

  • Content, content, content!

Companies should put their efforts in creating valuable content. The beauty of the internet is that content is easily distributed. The goal here is to create as much free traffic as possible, while also establishing your company as a source of authority on a particular subject. Videos, blogs, and podcasts are easy opportunities for companies to create content to be a part of an effective marketing campaign. The Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as “a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

  • Give Back!

In addition to creating valuable content and utilizing social media, companies can give back to their customers by using resources like Quora and to interact with their customers on a more personal basis. By helping out customers with their problems, even putting in effort to make time to meet them, companies can differentiate themselves from their competitors with a stellar customer experience. Companies can use these tools to educate their customers about their brand, and then make sure that their presence is known by actually meeting their customers.

All in all, these tools are valuable weapons that every marketer should have in their tool belt. By creating rich content, utilizing social media, and interacting with your customers on a personal basis, companies can elevate themselves above their competition.

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