Why Facebook Will Continually Beat all Other Marketing Channels in 2017

This is a very exciting time for marketing. Business owners and entrepreneurs should brace themselves and prepare to make these features a significant part of their marketing strategies. An article from Entrepreneur outlined a few reasons why businesses should make use of Facebook social media marketing to advertise their products and services.

  • Customized Audience Targeting


Facebook’s highly customizable audience tools enable marketing teams to upload contact lists such as emails, UIDs, and phone numbers to target specific audiences with certain ads. Making this is a great way for everyone from entrepreneurs with only a few hundred contacts to giant enterprises with hundreds of thousands of contracts to reach their targeted group.

  • Maximized Visibility at a reasonable cost


Advertising on Facebook is comparatively cheaper than on Google. Also, Facebook video views are cheaper than YouTube. Although you shouldn’t be spending all your money on Facebook advertising, these numbers are simply too big to ignore.

  • Brand Awareness


Facebook can work a lot like PR if managed strategically. The Brand Awareness ad objective uses a combination of real-time proxy metrics with both the reach and attention users give to a campaign to provide brands with maximum exposure.The goal is capture attention across the board to get in front of people most likely to be interested in your brand.

  • Facebook Live


Introduced last year, Facebook Live has taken the internet by storm. Research shows that people spend 3X longer watching a live video than native content. Facebook Live is quickly becoming a requirement in any organization’s marketing efforts.

The future of Facebook marketing is looking very bright. There will be more users to show your content to and advertising will likely keep getting better and cheaper. Additionally, Facebook is continually improving existing  functions and adding new ones.

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